About Us
Jamieson Community Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit serving residents of Henderson, Mercer and Warren Counties. Some programs are limited to specific counties.
Our programs are designed to increase food security and help people with essential services. More than 5,000 people receive some type of assistance from JCC each year. Some receive meals on a daily basis through our Senior Nutrition or Summer Meals programs, some are guests each month at our food pantry, and students in the Monmouth-Roseville school district who don't have enough food in their homes receive food through the Weekend Meals program. We provide a Resource Coordinator as well as food for area teens at Eagle View Community Health System's Recharge in Monmouth. Our Pattee Learning Center offers a tutoring program that serves children in grades one through six who are six months to two years behind their current grade level. Some people receive seasonal help with school supplies or at Christmas, and some receive help on an annual basis through our Jingle Bills fund. Many more shop at our Community Marketplace to buy clothes or household items at affordable prices. We also coordinate resources for people, connecting them with other agencies serving our region. We administer Warm Neighbors Cool Friends energy assistance program.
We are a partner agency of United Way of Greater Warren County and receive funding from Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging for the Senior Nutrition Program. We are fortunate to receive wonderful support from local foundations, our community churches, businesses, organizations, and residents. In addition to monetary donations, in-kind donations of food, clothing, household supplies and volunteer hours contribute in a big way to our programs and services. The generosity of our neighbors helps us fund our programs, keep our expenses down and continue services even as our numbers served continue to increase each month.

Mission and Values
Jamieson Community Center's mission is to coordinate programs addressing the needs of all ages, provide services which extend widely into the community and surrounding area, and work in cooperation with the social service agencies in the region.
Our vision is that Jamieson Community Center leads a collaborative effort to unify people through compassion, kindness and service.
We are a non-profit community center that strives to provide social services to Warren, Henderson and Mercer Counties. We were founded in 1965 following the merging of four area churches.
JCC is named after Rev. Jamieson who was responsible for the vision of Jamieson Community Center and was one of our early founders.

Bell from the 9th Avenue United Presbyterian Church where Rev. Jamieson was Pastor.