​(Students To Arrive Ready for School)
Backpacks filled with school supplies are given to area children to ensure a successful start to the school year. Jamieson Community Center serves as the application and distribution site.
Applications will be accepted starting the first Monday in June through the third Friday in July.
​For an application: Stop by the office, Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM or call to complete over the phone.
"Thanks to S.T.A.R.S., my children started the school year on a positive note. They were able to concentrate on learning instead of worrying about school supplies."
~Kim, mother of three
How can YOU help?
Donate cash
When you give, we buy exactly what we need eliminating unneeded or excess items.
Sponsor a child for $25.00
Give them everything they need for a successful year.
Donate supplies
In-kind donations can be dropped off the last week in July.

STARS is sponsord by Community National Bank, area churches and individuals.